It’s crucial to clarify what The Bannon Report is not. It isn’t a carrier setup platform. Instead, it serves as a resource that can be employed to check whether a carrier or broker has been flagged for involvement in the double brokering of freight. Numerous options are available for brokers to acquire this information, well-known resources such as TIA Watchdog and Carrier 411 Freight Guard reports, both possessing vast databases of information on double brokers.
Do these platforms carry identical reports on all double brokers? Likely not. Are they both utilized by every freight broker? Again, probably not. Therefore, the vetting process for a carrier from a freight broker’s perspective may yield varying outcomes, depending on the resource employed.
Further, some freight brokers might not use either of these platforms. This could be due to cost factors, infrequent usage of out-of-network carriers, or perhaps a small broker can not justify the $150+ per month expense.
This is precisely where The Bannon Report finds its niche. We may not currently have every double broker recorded in a spreadsheet, but rest assured, we’re working towards it. In the interim, no entity is better positioned to assist you with carrier vetting, and that too, at an incredibly affordable price point. With The Bannon Report, you are receiving more than just a database of problematic MC’s. You’re gaining a partner for your compliance department.