Are you a double broker having trouble convincing real brokers that the  carrier you are using is “leased on” to your fake carriers MC#?

Our all inclusive solution is 100% guaranteed to fool even the smartest broker, shipper, or DOT inspector!

The all new, TIM BANNON DOUBLE BROKER STARTER KIT is finally here! Now you can operate any commercial vehicle under any carriers authority with ease!

Your order ships complete with one food stained 10″x20″ sheet of cardboard, one dried out black sharpie, and one slightly used roll of packaging tape.

If you order today, We will also include, not 1… not 2…but 3 !!! of our best fake certificates of insurance. Each COI has a different  vin number for you to choose from. One vin# from a salvage, one vin#  from a 1986 Toyota Corolla, and one vin# made up based on last night’s  bingo card!

If you order now, and mention the discount code: WTFFMCSA ,  you will receive free overnight shipping!

All this for only  $19.95 (plus $99.00 S&H)

And for a small monthly charge, you can sign up for your own 25 person “dispatch” service. Each member of your dispatch team will relentlessly call and email the broker of your choice, all day long, until they get you a load that you can double broker, or get blocked trying!

I would like to thank my sponsors who made this dream a reality.
Crossroad Services, Rigz LLC, and
Golden Pro Insurance.

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Fighting double brokers who rob hard working people everyday.